
Why Praxis?

Praxis means action, exercise or practice. Our desire is to see ordinary followers of Jesus embody their faith in actions, habits and lives that bring change to those around them. We want to see ordinary people be part of God's mission wherever they are.


We are a group of Christian leaders from small grassroots communities in Dublin and beyond desiring to see God build his Kingdom. Over the past two years as a learning community we have been sharing together stories and ideas of what this mission of God can look like in contemporary Ireland. Learning from diverse ministries and practitioners our hope is that we may be united and enabled to see movement happen across the country.


This conference hopes to aid and encourage increased missional praxis in Ireland as we listen to two international leaders who have been helping small communities turn theory into action and practise this mission for over twenty years. We will also hear from local Irish leaders – their stories and learnings. An important part of this conference is for Irish Christians to engage with each other on what mission could be in Ireland today.